Monday, August 19, 2019

Day 2 and 3: Reid

   Thanks to the winds we had a long day of paddling yesterday. There were several times that we had to find an island for shelter from the gusts of wind. Even with the stops, we were able to make it to our portage relatively early and the campers worked well as a team to get through it together. The reward of this hard day; well earned Pita Pizzas.
   Today was our layover day at Reid lake. It started with an early morning swim, followed by a struggle to reclaim a purposely swamped canoe. There was also some fishing and breakfast. 
   After breakfast, the boys asked me if this canoe trip was the Hunger Games and I had to break it to them... that it was training for the Hunger Games. I let loose the secret that Quin and I were past survivers of the games and that our job was not to take them on a canoeing trip but to train them for the games on day 8. From there the boys mostly did what we asked because they knew it was a part of their training. 
   They took the training into their own hands and started to whittle spears to fish and hunt with. One of my campers used rock, wood, and grass to make an ax to fight with and another collected birch bark and sap to create a torch; that we later let him light over the lake. 
   Their hard work earned them the reward of s'mores tonight.