Sunday, August 4, 2019

Night 2: Coyote Stare Down

   When we woke up this morning the campers had already been up for a while before the guides. They had made a snack of popcorn and our camper worker was starting to make breakfast. As we walked closer to the fire ring the campers bombarded us with stories about last night. Apparently, they had seen a dark figure around their tent in the middle of the night. They also saw a white man in the woods. They told us about what they saw as we ate chocolate chip pancakes. When we finished breakfast we headed out to the next campsite.
   On the paddle over, we passed the three abandoned cars in the Tug Channel. The story we tell campers about the car, true or not, is that there was a robbery in the town of Warroad in the middle of winter. The robbers stole money from the bank and started to drive to Canada. The island where the cars are now is where the robbers ran out of gas. They were forced to leave the money and the cars and run. The money is buried somewhere on that island and no one has been able to find it. The campers did not believe that story so we moved on.
   We got to our campsite in a short time so we decided to prank the campers and paddle past it. A move stolen from John. When the campers realized it was their campsite they told us they were never going to trust us again.
   We had them start to set up camp and collect firewood. When our camper Isaac* came out of the woods and told us he just stared down a coyote. Then, the coyotes howled at us and we all went into the woods to try and see them. I did not see any coyotes, but they did sound very close and they would howl back at us.
   With all our free time we spent the day swimming, catching crayfish and riding in the canoe-a-coaster. Created by Zara, the canoe-a-coaster involves someone sitting in a canoe as others roll the canoe underwater.
   When we caught enough crayfish we boiled them as a nice appetizer before dinner. After dinner, we sat around the fire telling scary stories and eating s'mores.

*Names changed for privacy